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 Free Peer-to-Peer Script Notes

Exchange screenplay notes with other writers on Coverfly's new peer script exchange.

Give or Get Notes

Give notes on other Coverfly users' scripts and earn tokens. Get notes on your own scripts by spending those tokens. 


Exchange tokens, not cash, for notes on your projects. Need tokens? Earn them by giving notes on other writers' work.

Reader Reviews

Rate your peer reviewer once they've submitted script notes to you. The better notes you give, the better readers you'll be matched with. 


The coverflyX script exchange allows writers to get free peer development notes on their screenplays, and allows writers to give development notes to other writers.


The coverflyX script exchange allows users to give peer script notes and to get peer script notes via a free token-bidding system. Readers have five days upon claiming feedback to complete their notes, which consist of 300 words on the strengths of the script, 300 words on the weaknesses of the script, and an optional section for any additional thoughts.


To get peer script notes, users "bid" how much they're willing to spend in tokens. To earn tokens, users must give script notes to other users. Coverfly tokens have no monetary value and cannot be sold or bought. For example, a user might bid 3 tokens to receive feedback on a feature film screenplay. If the bid is too low (and there are other scripts of similar length offering more than 3 tokens on the marketplace), then it may go unclaimed by readers, in which case, the writer might have to increase the bid to have it claimed.


To get peer script notes, users "bid" how much they're willing to spend in tokens. To earn tokens, users must give script notes to other users. Coverfly tokens have no monetary value and cannot be sold or bought. For example, a user might bid 3 tokens to receive feedback on a feature film screenplay. If the bid is too low (and there are other scripts of similar length offering more than 3 tokens on the marketplace), then it may go unclaimed by readers, in which case, the writer might have to increase the bid to have it claimed.

Reader Reviews

Every time a reader provides script notes to a writer on the coverflyX exchange, they'll get a reader rating from the writer. Users with great reader ratings get priority access to script notes from other users with great reader ratings. In order to maintain a valuable experience for all users on the exchange, readers who do not complete the feedback on time will be penalized with "strikes".  Too many strikes, and the reader's account could be suspended.

Reader Reviews

Every time a reader provides script notes to a writer on the coverflyX exchange, they'll get a reader rating from the writer. Users with great reader ratings get priority access to script notes from other users with great reader ratings. In order to maintain a valuable experience for all users on the exchange, readers who do not complete the feedback on time will be penalized with "strikes".  Too many strikes, and the reader's account could be suspended.

Start giving or getting peer script notes today!

Already have some Coverfly Tokens? Get free peer notes on your script. Need tokens? Give notes to someone else on the exchange.

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