India Gurley received a staffing position on FIRE COUNTRY after Coverfly introduced her to a rep who got her staffed.
What initially drew you to screenwriting?
I've always loved being able to fully immerse myself in a story, and what better way to do that than sitting in a movie theater or in front of your TV? Screenwriting is a form of storytelling that has the ability to reach so many people -- we all have images from our favorite movies and shows that stick with us forever. To me, it is the great equalizer.
What has been the biggest obstacle you've encountered so far in your screenwriting career?
Self Doubt and the ability to bounce back from lots of rejection before your yes. It's really easy to get down on yourself, or start to believe that maybe you are not cut out for this industry. But, reminding yourself why you are pursuing this in the first place and doubling down on your drive forward is the best antidote to that, IMO. Every "no" is bringing you closer to a "yes".
How did Coverfly help in your screenwriting journey?
Coverfly is directly responsible for connecting me with my manager - they worked closely with me to understand who I was as a writer and connected me with like-minded reps!
If you could give a writer currently at where you were a year ago one bit of advice, what would it be?
No one is going to work harder at your career than you. Advocate for yourself, make genuine connections w/ people based on shared values and interests, and know when to leave situations that are not working for you in order to find where you fit in!