From its inception, the goal of Coverfly has been to provide writers with a way to track the evolution of their script, as well as a centralized place for you, and industry partners, to view all of your placements and successes. And while we’ve continued to celebrate the successes of writers over the years, we recognize that you are more than a collection of data points and wanted to be able to connect writers and industry partners in a way that felt more natural and organic. This was the catalyst for our new ranking system.
As more and more industry partners join our platform, we’ve found that the needs of the industry are as varied as our writers, but two things remain consistent-- they want scripts that are highly recommended and are current. And thus our new ranking system is based on two underlying components (neither of which are visible to anyone, including the writer):
- the qualitative score
- the heat bonus
The Qualitative Score
The qualitative score serves as the recommendation, similar to our old Coverfly Score. Each placement is given a weight, and we calculate the weight of your top placements to determine your qualitative score. By limiting the number of placements that are counted, it allows projects that perform well to be at the top of the list, even if you don’t submit to many competitions. It also means that as your script improves and your individual scores increase, your rank won’t be held down by a low performance on an earlier draft.
The Heat Bonus
The heat bonus allows the projects that are current to rise to the top. This model is used across the entertainment industry: Box Office charts, Billboard charts, Best Seller lists. Our industry partners want to trust that they are able to find the freshest new scripts on our platform. The heat bonus highlights the scripts that are currently making their way through the festival circuit, providing the opportunity for every great script to have their moment to shine.
Because the nature of the new system means your rank will fluctuate, we’re also introducing badges that will always show your historically best performance. So even if you make it to the top of The Red List and never submit your project to anything again, your badge will always reflect your top placement and the date.